The Threatened Miracle of South Africa’s Democracy is a highly educational and inspirational historical documentary based on the book A Witness For Ever written by Michael Cassidy in 1995. Michael Cassidy was privy to many behind the scenes events as they were unfolding. The documentary includes statements and viewpoints of many of the main role players such as Nelson Mandela, Chris Hani, Constand Viljoen, Desmond Tutu, FW de Klerk, Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi, Frank Mdlalose and Danie Schutte  – the then minister of Home Affairs and in charge of the 1994 election.

Michael Cassidy was also involved in many behind the scenes initiatives to support and promote the peaceful transition in 1994 and these come out in the production. Also included are the thoughts of younger generation leaders who bring insight into our context today. Michael Cassidy’s habit of journaling daily and staying abreast of international and local events makes this documentary rich in previously uncelebrated historical content which forms part of our collective heritage. And, yes, he did in a unique way watch the miracle of our democracy unfold. Frans Cronje and his team have brilliantly captured the heart and nuances of our convulsive but extraordinary history.


The documentary is intended to remind South Africans of the complexity, pain and beauty of what happened in our land in the run up to that miraculous election. It also strongly cautions us not to throw our miracle away and it inspires us to dream together of a great and peaceful future as everyone “does their bit”. It is the story about how ordinary people can change history forever. The Threatened Miracle of South Africa’s Democracy offers a refreshing, balanced, comprehensive and hope-filled perspective on South Africa’s current context.