“In the city belonging to our God, the LORD is great and so worthy of praise! His holy mountain 2 is a
beautiful summit, the joy of the whole world. Mount Zion, in the far north, is the city of the great king.
3 God is in its fortifications, revealing himself as a place of safety. 12 Walk around Zion; go all the
way around it; count its towers. Examine its defences closely; tour its fortifications so that you may
tell future generations: 14 “This is God, our God, forever and always! He is the one who will lead us
even to the very end.” Psalm 48:1-3, 12-14 CEB

The sons of Korah had an appreciation of the presence of God in Zion. That this city had its advantage over other cities because God inhabited this city. An evangelistic organisation like AE has
lasted these 60 years only by the help of God. It is Him who gave the vision, raised evangelists over
the years, gave us partners in His work across the globe and provided the resources we have used
from time to time.

As the origination grows in its structures and as we adopt contemporary organisation leadership
strategies, the temptation is to look to how well we do what we do and forget that God has made the
difference and that all fruitfulness must be attributed to God.

In this Psalm we see a few things which should enhance our faith and dependence on God. What
makes any organisation or Church special and impactful is the presence and blessing of God? His
help towards His people draws the attention of those who do not know the LORD.

What God has done must be told to the next generation there by ensuring that future generations
remain bound to God. We must move forward in what God has called us to do with the conviction
that the Almighty and unchanging One will be with us to the end.

14 “This is God, our God, forever and always! He is the one who will lead us even to the very end.”

Paul Wasswa Ssembiro – AE Uganda