Luyanda Zulu

Rejection – I was abandoned at birth. So, I’ve always felt unloved, unworthy and this all led to me trying to fit in for I struggled to be accepted socially. How I dealt with this the current church (Christ Amplified Church) I joined had a real positive impact in helping me to deal with this pain and hurt. They showed me love before they introduced me to this loving God. I then realised that God accepts me and that He loves me before I even loved Him.

Low Self-Esteem – I was verbally and emotionally abused a lot by my guardian and even my school peers .I was very skinny and due to that I would get called funny names such as e.g., matchsticks that effected how I would looked and view myself. It was hard to deal with this even though you train yourself to try and forget it still somehow reminds you especially the pain attached to it. The friends at my church encouraged me and reminded me how God view me as that I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Expectation – I hope to leave this Foxfire program with full understanding who I am and my calling in the kingdom of God. To acquire leadership skills. To share the good news and keep the banner of evangelism high.