Juliana Phiri is a 33 years old woman, the 4th in a family of 5. Juliana studied Computer Science from Cavendish University and graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science in 2018. While she was at Cavendish University, Juliana looked forward to getting a job in Computers Science. However, this there was a twist that she did not expect to happen. She applied to many organizations and unfortunately, she could not get a job. 

She was so frustrated having spent 4 years at the university and at the end of the day not find a job. 

“I gave up hope’, Juliana confesses.

One day, a friend called her and introduced her to tailoring. Juliana decided to pursue it and she started studying a course in fashion and design. 

A year later, she completed the course and opened a shop. Within a short time, demand for her clothing increased. There were lots of customers, so Juliana decided to employ one lady called Maria and soon the two became experts in tailoring and design. 

Juliana was offered a job by Women of Skill Hub as assistant trainer.

“This is what has introduced me to African Enterprise. I am particularly encouraged by the Women Empowerment project because even though I am an assistant trainer, I am benefiting a lot from the word of God which is preached at the beginning of every training session.” Juliana recounts.

“I have shared my story with the women and encouraged them because even when I had no formal job, I was able to provide for my needs and even employ other people at my shop. My prayer for each of these women is that they will use their skills in tailoring once they have completed the training, to improve their lives and that of their families.”