Sixty years of life has brought many changes in politics, technology and society. Personally, it has also brought me many changes in both happy and challenging times which make me rely on God’s promises such as like Isaiah 46:4. There God says that even as our bodies have aged towards the days of ‘grey hairs’ He will sustain and carry us as He has always done.
As time goes by we learn what Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 says: that all God’s times, early or later on are right for the season in which they occur. We learn by experience that every time is ‘beautiful’ i.e. suitable (v.11) even in those days when this is hard to see.
My prayer now is that as He has guided me in days gone by I will still be ready for him to ‘bear fruit in my old age’ (Psalm 14) and that all that I do for Him will be ‘fresh and green.’ His guidance has been with me as he has journeyed beside me over the years, even when this does not seem clear until the passing of time when I can thank Him for his wisdom and grace.
Remember that the Lord Jesus meant it when he said ‘I am with you always even to the end of the age.’