This year’s Pentecost Season of prayer and fasting ran from 9th to 19th May. African Enterprise usually holds quarterly prayer and fasting seasons and one of them is the Pentecost Season. 

The event of Pentecost was a significant moment in the history of the early church. Scripture tells of the disciples being gathered together in waiting for the promise of the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem. In Acts 2:1-13, this experience is described as a sound like a mighty rushing wind from heaven and divided tongues of fire which rested on each of the disciples. This was the birth of the early church and so many years later, the world is still in need of the working and leading of the Holy Spirit as on the day of Pentecost. 

International Team Leader Rev. Dr. Stephen Mbogo stated, “My heart’s desire is for everything we undertake, to stem from the Holy Spirit’s leading and guidance.”

The Pentecost season of prayer and fasting was climaxed by the AE Corporate prayer day where the entire partnership came together to pray as a family towards all the mission needs and to share in fellowship with the Holy Spirit. 

Click on this link to view Corporate Prayer Day devotion shared by George Nkurunziza from African Evangelistic Enterprise Rwanda.