It is usually all serious and business when the senior leadership of AE across the continent meet up. This is because such occasions rarely happen and when they do, the time is usually limited and the work at hand is hefty.

This time however, the team leaders/CEOs decided that all work and no play will definitely make them dull and so they set out to have fun at the Waterfront Mall through a Karting competition.

The team leaders were divided into 5 pairs, and the winning team was determined by the best average time. The teams were as follows:

Team 1: DRC & Zambia represented by Leonard Kiswangi and Pst. Joel Kasoka
Team 2: Rwanda & Malawi represented by Wilson and Dr. Cornelius Huwa
Team 3: Ethiopia & Uganda Robel Disasa and Can. Benson Baguma
Team 4: Zimbabwe & Tanzania Represented by Dr. Brian Mugwidi and Robert Charles
Team 5: South Africa & South Sudan represented by Thuens Pauw and Rev. Alex Bilal

Team 5 grabbed all the winnings as Theuns Pauw made 1:35.590 for a best lap time, coupled with Rev. Alex’s 1:49.217 best lap time, which was enough to give them victory over team 1 despite Pst. Joel Kasoka’s incredible 1:32.884 best lap time.

There were gifts at the end of the race for all the team leaders and medals for the winning team. The Karting event also served as a fundraiser and the money gathered was allocated to mission funds.

In a short interview after the race, Pastor Joel Kasoka shared his lessons from the experience, stating that ” Once you get used to the ground, it becomes much more easier for you to drive along. So for the first 3-4 laps you are just trying to find your feet but once you have found your feet, you are good to go. Even in real life, once you find your feet, once you understand, you map the ground, you are able now to go and take off!”