South Africa’s School of Evangelism
Evangelism is the key focus for African Enterprise. The African Enterprise School of Evangelism has been designed to identify emerging evangelists and activate them in their calling as the key to reaching a lost and broken world. Evangelists have a vital role in serving, equipping and mobilizing the local church that they are a part of.
Just imagine visiting churches and noticing there were no Pastors in any congregations. There would instantly be the awareness that those churches would lack the vital grace God intended to give them through that gift. In the South African context, this scenario is true where Evangelists are concerned. They are virtually missing from the day-to-day life of the church. Restoring the gift of the Evangelist to the life of the local church should be a top priority for every leader who wants to have a missional congregation that impacts their community with the gospel – this is our goal and mission that drives the AE School of Evangelism
As part of our preparation for the Johannesburg Mission that is taking place from 5-15 September, The African Enterprise team ran the School of Evangelism with 17 participants from various churches from around Johannesburg and the Vaal Region at The Lifehouse Church in Fourways, Johannesburg serving as the host venue. Mornings were spent covering four key themes:
1. City Mission
2. The Evangelist Heart & Message
3. Local Church
4. Gospel Theology
AE South Africa runs the School of Evangelism alongside the African Enterprise International Institute of Evangelism training program known as 40 on 4, where 40 key church leaders and evangelists are equipped with critical evangelism skills for effectively sharing the gospel.
Testimony from a Participant
- Chase Da Costa
“The African Enterprise School of Evangelism course was one of the most eye-opening experiences for me. Originally, I was not too keen on it when offered the opportunity, however, when I made the final decision to partake in the course, I did not regret a moment of it! The knowledge I learned and consumed, along with the amazing people I met, was just amazing. We had the privilege of meeting the founder of African Enterprise and their current leaders, as well as many other people who have a huge impact not just in South Africa alone, but globally!
Overall, it was a fantastic course; my knowledge grew exponentially, and the team of people whom I had the privilege of learning and working alongside was amazing! Lifelong connections were made.
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