What We Do
Evangelizing the Cities of Africa through Word & Deed

Holding True, Pressing On..
How We Help
We believe that Jesus provides hope and security in a fallen and hurting world, and that Africa will reap incredible dividends from a knowledge of the saving grace of Jesus. Africans are very open to the Gospel and are seeking eternal hope in a continent plagued by poverty, corruption and war.
- City-wide evangelism mobilising hundreds
- Community programs lifting people out of poverty
- Training pastors through localised courses
Our Strategic Pillars
Our Work
What We Do
Transformational Leadership Enhancement
Our leadership goal is to increase the number of transformational servant leaders who are accountable & agents of positive change in every city, and raise and mentor godly, talented and influential young emerging leaders.
Youth Empowerment
With Africa having such a young population, it is a core component of outreach to gear our message to young people in schools or on the streets.
Peace Building and Reconciliation
Peace and reconciliation goal – To strengthen God-centred peace, reconciliation and unity within and across African nations and communities.
Community Transformation
With Africa having such a young population, it is a core component of outreach to gear our message to young people in schools or on the streets.
Capacity development and governance
AE is agile and increasingly well-resourced to bring the Gospel and social action programs to growing city populations in Africa
Key Outreach
In every community where we work, we connect people to the resources and opportunities they need to build strong, stable livelihoods that can withstand future challenges.
Proclaim Congress
Institute of Evangelism
Africa Prays
Real Life Transformations
Stories of Impact

I found the discipleship program to be transformational. My life has been greatly impacted by the courses of the program. It has stirred up my spirit to read the Bible and for ministry by getting involved in training others.
Youth, Ethiopia

Following the KAYONZA mission in Rwanda, we have been blessed to have 7 new converts in our church and they are going through the process of discipleship for their spiritual growth.
Pastor, Rwanda

With the help of the Foxfires leadership, we were able to start online ministry while at home. This gave me the opportunity to be the change agent I am meant to be. I
commit to make his name known for as long as I live.
Shalom Shikuku,
FoxFires 2020, Kenya

I feel that there is a great need for healing in our communities and
for building bridges across nationalities, races and in helping
to further unite the Church.
Sithembiso Ntshangase,
Anglican Ministry, Durban
Proclaiming the Gospel of
Jesus is at our Heartbeat
Grassroot Connections
Our country offices relate and connect with real people with real needs on the ground
Practical Assistance
We walk alongside some of the most vulnerable and marginalised people in the world
Capacity Building
Our work revolves around training leaders to disciple their communities